Technical session on Machine Learning by Mr. Balagopal U  was held on 17th December at trivandrum.


Primarily a networking event planned to be a day of bonding and coming together for the ever-so-vibrant Kerala Young Professionals Community. We look forward to a day of fun, games, brainstorming, activity planning and lots more. The event also aims at bringing up more young professionals into the mainstream of Section activities. It was held on 26th november at Kochi.


Technical session on Graphical Design using Labview by Joseph Mathew from CDAC. It was held at 11th November  at trivandrum.


The first of the tech meetup series happened on 26th august at the IEEE Kerala section office. This was executed as an initiative to improve the technology awareness of the young professionals who attended the meetup. This meetup had a hands on training session on the Basics of Python. 

The session was handled by Mr.Akhil S from InApp Information  Technologies, Trivandrum. The Meetup had a total participation of 12 members. Each and every one of the participants were very keen to learn about the new technology. There was several suggestions to have more such session in the upcoming days as well.


The main Points of the  discussion were on future events that can happen in trivandrum region. As an output  the below mentioned events were finalised.

1. A hands on training session on the Basics of Python by Mr.Akhil S from InApp on 26th August 2017 at IEEE Kerala Section office. (The training will be a hands on.)

2. A training session on the Basics of Photoshop by Mr.Bibin P Thomas from InApp on  16th of September.

There was a discussion on how to celebrate IEEE day in trivandrum. There was a suggestion to have a unique event during the IEEE week.


The YP track started with two talks, first by Mr. Rajeev M. A. on “Artificial Intelligence” where he spoke on the scope of Artificial Intelligence and its applications as an emerging field of study in the field of computer science. He warned the professionals present that AI would soon bring a job shift which they should prepare for with the adequate skills.

In the second talk on “Adithya – The Solar Powered Ferry”, Mr. Sandith Thandasherry shared the extraordinary tale of how Kerala got its first solar powered ferry. The technical sessions was followed by a panel discussion on “Smarter Professionals for Smart Cities”, an event open for all IEEE Young Professionals and delegates of TENSYMP 2017, where eminent and
distinguished personalities from various industries and academia were the panelists, including:

 • Dr. Kukjin Chun, Director IEEE R10

• Dr. Sivaji Chakravorti, Chair, IEEE India Council

• Mr. Sandith Thandasherry, CEO, NavAlt Solar

• Mr. H. R. Mohan, Vice Chair, IEEE Madras Section

• Dr. Atul Negi, Professor, University of Hyderabad

• Mr. Sabarinath Pillai, Chair of SAC, IEEE Kerala Section (Moderator)

The eminent technical luminaries in the panel discussed different aspects of smart cities and how the technical professionals of today were instrumental in building them. Dr. Sivaji made the crucial point of how solutions of problems should be indigenous and not simply copies of other successful
models. The panel concluded that one of the biggest challenges of the denizens of any smart city was to adapt to the constant changes and challenges on the fronts of infrastructure, security, communication, and others and acknowledged that these discussions were only the tip of the
iceberg when it came to the actual implementation of a smart city in real life.


It was a well-organized residential event, aimed at training volunteers and educating them about IEEE’s activities and ethos, highlighting the journey of Kerala Section to it’s current status of glory. There were several excellent presenters from the Industry and Academia from the Section leadership who tackled and simplified various topics related to volunteering as a whole while using the case studies of the previous successes of IEEE Kerala Young Professionals as a foil along with fun group activities for team bonding. The residential aspect further helped attendees to interact and get to know their fellow volunteers better. It was held on 1st July.


Experience sharing and discussion with Mr.Ajin Baby.

Mr.Ajin Baby was the guest of the day. He had come down from Arizona, USA. Mr.Ajin shared his experience of studying abroad and the increase in scope it give to the aspirants. He also shared the importance of working part time along with studies to stabilize the expenses met during the period. He further discussed the internship opportunities. Several questions came up regarding the topic from the participants. It was followed up by general discussion on the upcoming young professional event. it was held on 24th May.


IEEE Kerala Young Professionals Affinity Group in association with IEEE Student Branch of Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram conducted STEP 2017 v1.0 (Student Transition &
Elevation Partnership) on 22nd April 2017. It was a well-organized event which aimed at bringing together IEEE members graduating in 2017.

The one day event began with Mr. Jishnu Krishna, Volunteer IEEE Kerala Young Professionals, leading the gathering through the IEEE Code of Ethics. Mr. Abey, Coordinator STEP welcomed the gathering to the event. Mr.Shahim Baker, Chairman, IEEE Kerala Young Professionals presided over the inaugural ceremony. Prof. V.K. Damodaran, Advisor, IEEE Kerala Young Professionals, inaugurated the ceremony and addressed the gathering about the importance of IEEE, when engineering students transform into professionals. He explained about various societies which can contribute to the technical knowledge in one’s career. In his speech, he also mentioned that IEEE Kerala Young Professionals group had won almost all the awards that a young professional affinity group can receive, which itself is symbolic of how vibrant the young professional community in Kerala is. Further he explained how IEEE can contribute to various global scenarios like 5G, climate change and so on. 

He also assured the participants that continuing with IEEE will definitely be beneficial for the young professionals as it is all about passion and satisfaction.  Mr Biju, Branch Counsellor IEEE GEC, BH SB reminisced about his experience as an IEEE member in Barton Hill College. Then Mr. Adithya, Student Branch Chair, expressed his joy to host the event at GEC Barton Hill.The inaugural ceremony was concluded by Mr. Ashwin Raj, event head of STEP 2017 v1.0 delivering the vote of thanks. The event witnessed an overall participation of 18 student members from various student branches across Kerala  Section. The first session was handled by Mr. Paul Ansel, Secretary IEEE Kochi Subsection. 

He spoke to the audience on “Self Mentoring” and its importance in one’s life. The importance of having a coach and a mentor to guide us, was well explained in the session. He also pointed out the fact that failure is just a stepping stone to success and though life may make us confront failure multiple times, the real victory is yet in rising up and moving ahead. Throughout the session, he inspired the participants to pick themselves up and build their confidence to go forward in life and be successful. The session was very interactive and highly motivating. 

He transpired to the students the skill of team playing through multiple activities. The next session was on “Support for Startups in Kerala” by Mr. Shahul Hameed, Secretary, IEEE Kerala Young Professionals. He explained about various startup missions undertaken by Govt. of Kerala. He also explained about different stages like preincubation, incubation and acceleration. He advised the budding entrepreneurs about the importance of having domain knowledge or experience in leading a startup. Various investment processes, Youth entrepreneurship development programmes and organizations involved in supporting these startups viz. 

TIE Kerala chapter, Headstart Foundation, IEEE Young Professional entrepreneurship group were also discussed. Post lunch the event resumed with a session by Mr. Bibin Parukoor Thomas, Vice Chair, IEEE Kerala Young Professionals on ”Journey ahead with Young Professionals”. He gave insights on areas like
networking, technical assistance, personal development provided by the Young Professional community of IEEE. He also shared his own experience with the IEEE Young Professionals community. He welcomed the upcoming Young Professionals and assured them that the IEEE Kerala Young Professionals group will try to support new members in every way they can. 

This was followed by a panel discussion of five experienced professionals – Mr. Jithin Krishnan, Mr. Nandan S, Mr. Bibin Parukoor Thomas, Mr Shahul Hameed and Mr. Shahim Baker. Any queries regarding research was dealt by Mr. Jithin and academic related topics by Mr. Nandan S. Since panelists with multiple areas of expertise were brought together, the questions related to industry, academia and startups were addressed which in turn led to a fruitful discussion. Several questions also came up regarding the areas of higher education as well as the importance of industrial experience in teaching profession. The event came to a conclusion with the valedictory note by Mr. Shahul Hameed and photo session.


Agenda: Plan Future meetups, Session on IEEE member benefits, general discussions..

Suggestion/Key points of discussion

• A common event for all Young professional members in Kerala, so that they can know what is happening the other areas of the state (An expanded version of Meetup was suggested).

• If the discussions from other areas could be shared it would enhance skill.

• Meetups should be made a platform for professionals to share the work experience from their industry.

• A flagship event for IEEE Kerala young professionals.

• It would be good if we can circulate the meetup details to all Kerala Young Professional members beforehand so we can have more audience.


Agenda : Plan Future meetups, Technical sessions in meetups. It was held on 15th march at trivandrum.

• Meetups will be conducted twice in a month (Including one weekend) on a prefixed date , the venue of which will be decided during the previous meetup.

• The meetings will be arranged in such a way that it will be convenient for maximum IKYP members in trivandrum.

• It was suggested to hold the meetup with the technical session during a weekend so we get maximum output from it.

• The Initial talks can be handled by technically capable member’s within our community. Then later on the resource pool can be widened.

• It would be good to have the senior Young professionals share their knowledge on how to best use IEEE and how each individual can improve as a ‘Young Professional’.


Excellentia 2.0, an initiative by IEEE Kerala Young Professionals to groom the students before their placements, was held on 11 February 2017 at Heera College and Technology, Trivandrum. It was aimed at imparting information to improve a candidates’ performance and to give a full fledged insight on how to appear for a placement drive, delivering the rightly chosen information by reputed industry and subject experts.

• Speakers included

• Mr. Bibin P Thomas, InApp

• Jaikrishnan Nair, Infosys

• Mr. Varghese Cherian, UST Global

• Anusha Anand, InApp

• Jithin Krishnan, SCTIMST

Towards the end an open forum was put on for the participants to clarify all their queries.


Excellentia is a program intended to provide placement training for final year students of engineering colleges in Kerala. First phase of the event was conducted at Albertian Institute of Science and Technology in association with IEEE Kochi Subsection on 29th January. The program included sessions on resume making, tips for technical interview, current trends in industry, how to sell yourself and earn an engineering degree and mock GD.


Annual General Body Meeting of Kerala Young Professionals was conducted on the 14th of January 2017 at Bolgatty Palace, Cochin


• Walk-through of 2016 activities

• Financial and activities reporting

• Invite suggestions for 2016 activities