Our Mission
Inspiring and equipping our members to become stronger leaders, more successful professionals, and more conscientious citizens
Our Vission
A Community of Young, Innovative Professionals becoming Future Technology Leaders
IEEE Kerala Young Professionals is a team of passionate IEEE volunteers who are in the early stages of their professional career. The team has made revolutionary contributions to the growth of IEEE Young Professionals in Kerala and has consistently strives to empower Young Professionals activities in India and South Asia by collaborating with fellow affinity groups in the Region 10. Over the years, our main focus was on helping the different sections of the society by providing technical and mentoring support. IEEE Kerala Young Professionals is also credited for being the pioneers of “Joy of Volunteering” campaign, “Proud IEEE YP” campaign and thereby, promoting ethical volunteering in IEEE community.
With a strong 500+ member base, the year 2020 is dedicated to member benefit activities, wherein, the activities will be mainly focused on the Professional development of our members. For the ease of organizing and efficiently reaching out to the interests of different sections of the society, we have formed a team of 40 volunteers who is responsible for different kind of activities.
For the exemplary volunteering efforts towards the betterment of society, IEEE Kerala Young Professionals has been bestowed with various individual and group recognitions, with the latest and biggest being the 2016 IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group Hall of Fame Award.
Regardless of being recognized or not, we are constantly striving to bring in advancements for helping the community to make it a better place to live in. We are also in constant search for passionate volunteers who would like to join hands in our humble efforts and take our initiatives forward for the constructive development of society.
“The betterment of society is not a job to be left to a few. It’s a responsibility to be shared by all.”