*Don’t work for recognition but do work worthy of recognition. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.*
IEEE is a platform that encourages its members to take steps towards change. It urges its members to work for society and to ascertain the values of volunteers and the impact of their actions. It is with much honour and pride we congratulate the *IEEE Kerala Young Professionals* team for their achievement of the *IEEE Hall Of Fame Award 2021*.
The award is a token of appreciation for the inspiring Young Professional Affinity Groups and Society Groups worldwide, on recognising their exemplary activities.
IEEE Kerala Young Professionals is a team of passionate IEEE volunteers who have played vital roles in the growth of IEEE Young Professionals in Kerala. Their collaboration with fellow affinity groups in Region 10 is notable for their commitment to the empowerment of young professionals. The team has made a revolutionary contribution to the different sections of society by providing technical and mentoring support, making them the best candidate for the award. *The awardee will receive a plaque along with a USD 500 cash prize* designated for the winning Young Professionals for future activities.
We would also like to extend our gratitude to all the *IEEE volunteers* for their crucial contribution to this success. A special thanks to the *IEEE Kerala Section Interns Team* for their undivided and willing support.