YP Talks

YP Talks is an initiative by IEEE Kerala Young Professionals. It is a platform for Young Professionals to share their expertise and knowledge among IEEE Student branches across the globe.

S. No.NameDesignationOrganizationTopics
1Aakarsh BUI/UX DesignerHexnode | Mitsogo Inc.1. UI/UX Designing
2Abhijith SudhakarDevOps EngineerLambdazen LLC1. Roadmap to become a Python Developer
2. Switching your Career
3. How to design database for a project
4. Ways to improve Problem solving skills inorder to become a better Programmer
5. Resume Optimization
3Akarsh AshokPG StudentNSS College of Engineering Palakkad1. Flutter App Development
4Anoop MathewSoftware DeveloperUST Global1. IEEE Student Membership Benefits
5Devika SSalesforce DeveloperCommunityAmerica Credit Union1. Women in Engineering
2. Salesforce
3. Learning Python
6Dr Gilesh M PProfessorGovernment Engineering College Wayanad1. Cloud Computing
2. Software Defined Networks
7Fasil OKResearch ScholarCentral University of Kerala1. Scientific Research Paper Writing
2. Introduction to LaTeX typesetting system
3. Machine Learning & Deep Learning
4. Brain Computer Interface
5. Biomedical Signal Processing
8Gokul M AnilBusiness AnalystPit Solutions Pvt. Ltd.1. Business Analytics
2. How to become a Product Manager
3. How to become sucessful in corporate without being a technical personal
4. Product Management
5. Resume Preparation tips for freshers and experienced
9Hadi Abdulla NApplication DeveloperDeepFlow Technologies1. Flutter Development
10Harigovind MAssistant System Engineer (Electrical Design)TATA Consultancy Services1. MATLAB
2. Project Management
3. IoT system
11Hemang MohanAssociate Software EngineerTechMahindra1. Cybersecurity
2. Demystifying Hacking and Internet Safety
3. Basics of NFTs and CryptoCurrency
4. Home Automation & IoT (Arduino, Raspberry Pi)
5. Coding Related Topics (Generic Coding, Web Development)
6. Intro to Graphic Design tools
7. Sound Engineering (Remastering Audio Remixing Audio)
8. Photography and Photo Retouching
12Jacob Thomas PuthukerilSystem AnalystWeatherford1. Automated Guided Vehicles: Future of Logistics
2. Introduction to Industrial Automation with PLC and SCADA
3. Introduction to Industrial IOT
4. Mobile App development using Thunkable
13Karthik KArtificial Intelligence EngineerInnovation Incubator Advisory1. Artificial Intelligence
2. Deep Learning
3. Machine Learning
4. Mathematical Modeling
5. Cloud Computing
6. IEEE Membership Development
7. Project Management
8. Computer Vision
9. Natural Language Processing
10.Generative Modelling
11.Graph Embedding
14Midhun MData AnalystHashwave Technology1. Python
2. Big Data & Data Mining
3. Hadoop and Big Data
4. Web Application (flask)
5. Introduction to Data Science /Machine learning With Python
15Nandan SAssistant ProfessorLBSITW, Trivandrum1. Introduction to 5G Wireless Communication systems.
2. Recend advancements in Wireless Communication systems.
3. Introduction to Robotics
4. Advanced Digital Communication Techniques
5. Career enhancement through IEEE volunteering
6. How to crack campus placements.
7. Membership benefits of IEEE
16Neeraj V IpeAssociate Software DeveloperUST Global1. Web development (backend &frontend)
2. Git
3. Java
4. Webhosting and Infrastructure
17Ramakrishnan C SEngineerTata Elxsi1. Electric Vehicle Technologies
18Rony Alex ThomasSOC Design EngineerIntel1. Career in Semiconductor Industry
2. Integrated Circuit, from Concept to Product
3. Introduction to Photography
4. Stepping out from College to Industry
5. Landing your first job
19Ruben MathewQA EngineerFoundingMinds Software Pvt.Ltd1. IEEE vTools & OU Analytics
2. IEEE Volunteer Benefits
3. IEEE VoLT Program experience
4. Digital Marketing (SEO)
5. LinkedIn Growth strategies
6. Quality Assurance in Developing Products
20Salih YoosafVirtual Events & Partnership AssociateENTRI App1. IEEE Membership Development
2. Cryptocurrency & NFT
21Sarath SApplication Development AssociateAccenture Solutions Pvt Ltd1. Networking Sessions
2. IEEE Membership Development
3. Execom Training
22Sruthy S KhanDeputy ManagerState Bank of India1. Banking Career
2. Financial Management as a Student and Young Professional
3. Work-Life balance
4. Mindfulness
5. Backlogs and Future Career
6. Part-Time Jobs for Students
7. Study Techniques to Excel
8. How to Fail Well
9. Healthy Living
10. How to Study what we don't like
23Shyam PradeepCo-founder and Chief Technology OfficerInfusory Future Tech Labs Pvt Ltd1. Introduction to AR/VR
2. Enterpreneurship
3. Ideation and Development of B.Tech Projects
24Sreehari A SContent CoordinatorEntri Pvt Ltd1. Student Membership benefits of IEEE
2. Stress and Crisis Management
3. Volunteering and Management
4. Interview and Public Speaking skills
5. Execom Training
6. Mathematics and Machine Learning
YP Talks
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